Sunday, April 26, 2009

The secret life of bees

The bees are just the background.
Lily Owens, a 14 year-old girl, is haunted by the memory of her late mother whom she accidentally killed when a child.
But it is more a story as "how we were" of course we being the Americans.
And what they were is not always nice to remember.
But past is something you have to accept and if it is too painful you can always build a wailing wall and put small messages on a piece of paper...
That was not the right or at least a satisfying solution for May.
Lily finds five mothers, Rosaleen a new home, a new name and the right to vote.
T. Ray is a loser from the beginning to the end.
It is the classic example of "when you do not understand your mistakes you are going to repeat them endlessly".
He lost a wife, a daughter and the respect of the others.
Neil is the incarnation of the "American dream", a "negro" who wants to be a lawyer.
We do not know if he will, but we hope...

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